天美麻花果冻星空大象来华留学生须知 |
信息索引: | 生成日期: | 2022-02-15 16:42 | 发文机构: | 国际学院 | |
发文字号: | 发文字号 | 信息类别: | 依申请公开 |
Instructions for Foreign Students 天美麻花果冻星空大象来华留学生须知 The following instructions are used to inform you of how to follow laws and regulations of China, and make you better understand regulations of ZBVI. 如下信息用以告知外国留学生如何更好地了解和遵守中国相关法律、法规,以及我校规章制度。 Ⅰ. Laws and Regulations of China 中国法律相关规定 1. residential registration: 住宿信息登记 When you travel to another city in China, 如果您到淄博市外旅行 (1) Before your travel, pls tell us in advance(at least one day) with a written notice, showing where you will go and when you will be back. Delayed notice to us for leave shall not be approved. 行前(至少提前一天),请书面告知,说明去向和返回时间。如遇特殊情况,可电话通知我们。事后通知不接受,仍视为旷课。 (2) When you arrive there and if you stay in a hotel, pls show them your passport (if your passport is still in the Entry and Exit Administration Bureau, show them the receipt), the hotel is supposed to register your staying information there. If you stay in a friend’s house, pls go to the local police station to register it within 24 hours(72 hours in rural areas). 当您到达某地入住宾馆,该宾馆会按照您的护照信息进行登记;如果您住朋友家,请在24小时(乡下72小时)内由朋友带您到当地的派出所进行住宿信息登记。 (3) When you come back, report to us (tel:13853327963) within 24 hours and we will do registration again. 当您返回后,请于24小时内通知我们,我们将对您的返回信息进行登记。 (4) For each time of non-registration, there will be a large amount of penalty from the Public Security Bureau. And this will be kept in record which will negatively affect your future application for new visa or renewal of it. 如不登记此信息,将会被公安机关处以大额度罚款,并且将会对您今后的中国签证申请或者延期方面产生不利影响。 2. Part-time Job兼职工作 Taking part-time jobs or engaging in other profit-making activities without official approval from local Police Bureau and Zibo Vocational Institute are prohibited. Your visa is Study type Visa,and only when you have a Z type Visa can you work for an appointed company or institution. Should this be found, you shall be penalized according to the relevant government administration regulations. 未经公安局和天美麻花果冻星空大象正式允许,不得从事兼职和其他盈利性活动。你持有学习签证,只有工作签证才可以从事相关指定工作。如有违犯会按照相关的法律制度进行处罚。 3. About Religion宗教信仰 The college respects the freedom of religious belief, but does not allow missionary work, religious meetings, religious discrimination and related conflicts. Should this be found, you will be disqualified of study and penalized according to the relevant government administration regulations. 学院尊重宗教信仰自由,但是在校期间不得进行传教、宗教集会,更不得有宗教歧视和冲突行为。如有违犯将取消学习资格,并按照相关的法律制度进行处罚。 Ⅱ. Requirements and Regulations of Zibo Vocational Institute学生日常行为规范 Pls behave yourself as to the requirements of our Institute. 请遵守我校学生行为规范。 1. Payment费用 All fees and charges paid( like registration, tuition, dormitory, etc.) shall not be refunded if it is not the default of our Institute, e.g. students’ quit study for reasons of personal, family, illness and so on;students’ visa shall be canceled accordingly. 非因学校责任造成学生退学,学生所交所有费用(含注册费、学费、住宿费等)一律不予退还,并且其所持有签证将会予以取消,如学生因个人、家庭、疾病等退学。 2. Living on Campus在校住宿 (1) Drinking In principle students are not allowed to drink beer and wine on campus. If there is a real need, you may go to the small dining room in the kitchen and do not drink too much. 原则上学生不得在校内饮酒,如有特殊情况,请到厨房且适量饮用。 (2) According to the regulation of the Institute, all students are required to go back to the dormitory before 22:00 pm. 根据我校的相关规定,学生都应该于晚上22点前回宿舍。 (3) Pls clean your dormitory everyday and keep clean. 请每天打扫宿舍,做到卫生整洁。 3. For your study 学习 (1) The class begins at 8:20 in the morning, pls attend on time. There will be a class attendance record and if your absence from class reaches 20 teaching periods without application for leaving, we shall terminate your study here and report to the police to cancel the visa, with no graduation proof issued and no refund for the tuition and lodging paid before. 每天的课程开始时间为早上8:20,请按时上课。同时我们会有一个课堂出勤记录表,如未经允许缺课达20节,我们将终止您的学习,申请取消已签发签证,不予出具结业证明,且学生所交学费与住宿费不退。 (2) In the event of no written statements giving the reasons and time for leave in person for one week, students are deemed as quit study automatically, and the Institute shall have the right of canceling the residential permit with no refund for tuition and lodging fees. 如学生未办理书面请假手续,自行离校连续一周,校方有权按学生自动退学处理,并取消其居留许可,所交学费与住宿费不退。 (3) You must notify the designated supervisor at least 1 day before your asking for leave, then you may be granted to leave or absent; leaving school or absent from class without approval shall be taken as malicious absence. 如需请假,应提前至少1天向班主任老师申请,允许后方可离开;未经批准擅自离开按旷课对待。 4. Safety Issue 安全问题 (1) Please do follow Chinese traffic rules, especially the traffic lights (i.e. red light-stop, green light-pass, yellow light-wait). Foreign students are not allowed to drive motorbike, e-bike and cars,if this was found 2 times, students will be disqualified and expelled from us。 务请遵守中国交通规则,尤其是红路灯规则(红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯等待)。留学生不得驾驶摩托车、电动车和汽车,第一次警告,第二次开除学习资格,驱逐出校。 (2) For emergency, pls feel free to contact us Room No. B614, International Cooperation Dept., South campus, of Zibo Vocational Institute Mrs. Liu (刘老师) Tel 15275316160 0533-2777585 如有紧急情况,请尽快联系我们,天美麻花果冻星空大象南校区国际合作部B614 (3) If you get lost, pls show the following address to passers-by or taxi driver, and they will help you back: 淄博市张店区联通路西首天美麻花果冻星空大象南校区 如您走失或迷路,请将下面地址出示给他人:淄博市张店区联通路西首天美麻花果冻星空大象南校区 |